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Full-Text Indexing With the Lucene SAIL

The LuceneSail enables you to add full text search of RDF literals to find subject resources to any Sail stack.

It provides querying support for the following statement patterns:

PREFIX search: <>

?subj search:matches [
	      search:query "search terms...";
	      search:property my:property;
	      search:score ?score;
	      search:snippet ?snippet ] .

The ‘virtual’ properties in the search: namespace have the following meaning:

  • search:matches – links the resource to be found with the following query statements (required)
  • search:query – specifies the Lucene query (required)
  • search:property – specifies the property to search. If omitted all properties are searched (optional)
  • search:score – specifies a variable for the score (optional)
  • search:snippet – specifies a variable for a highlighted snippet (optional)


The LuceneSail is a stacked Sail: to use it, simply wrap your base SAIL with it:

Sail baseSail = new NativeStore(new File("."));
LuceneSail lucenesail = new LuceneSail();
// set any parameters, this one stores the Lucene index files into memory
lucenesail.setParameter(LuceneSail.LUCENE_RAMDIR_KEY, "true");
// wrap base sail

Language filtering

You can add a filter to only index literals with particular languages, for example:

// this sail will now will only index French literals
lucenesail.setParameter(LuceneSail.INDEXEDLANG, "fr");

To use multiple languages, split them with spaces, for example:

// this sail will now only index French and English literals
lucenesail.setParameter(LuceneSail.INDEXEDLANG, "fr en");

Type filtering

You can add a filter to only index literals of subject with particular type, for example with the subject/literals

@prefix my: <> .

my:subject1 my:oftype my:type1 ;
            my:prop   "text"   .

my:subject2 my:oftype my:type2 ;
            my:prop   "text"   .

To only index the literals of the subjects with the type my:type1, you can use the type filter parameter:

// this sail will now only index literals of subjects ?s with the triple (?s ex:oftype ex:type1).
lucenesail.setParameter(LuceneSail.INDEXEDTYPES, "http\\://\\://");

You can specify multiple types for the same type predicate by splitting them with spaces, you can specify multiple type predicates by splitting them with new lines, example:

// this sail will now only index literals of subjects ?s with the triple:
// (?s ex:oftype1 ex:type11), (?s ex:oftype1 ex:type12), (?s ex:oftype2 ex:type21) 
// or (?s ex:oftype2 ex:type22).
		"http\\://\\:// http\\://\n"
		"http\\://\\:// http\\://"

You can use the special predicate a instead of rdf:type.

You can also reduce the usage of the base sail to set the type of backtracking:

  • TypeBacktraceMode.COMPLETE: (default) will check every triples with ?s and try to add or remove them in the Lucene Index.
  • TypeBacktraceMode.PARTIAL: won’t check previous triples in the store, assume that the user would add new elements to the index after and with the add of a type triple and would remove elements to the index with the remove of type.
// the sail won't search for the type a triple if the type isn't in the UPDATE request

Search is case-insensitive, wildcards and other modifiers can be used to broaden the search. For example, search all literals containing words starting with “alic” (e.g. persons named “Alice”):

Repository repo = new SailRepository(lucenesail);

// Get the subjects and a highlighted snippet
String qry = "PREFIX search: <> " +
			"SELECT ?subj ?text " +
			"WHERE { ?subj search:matches [" +
					" search:query ?term ; " +
					" search:snippet ?text ] } ";

List<BindingSet> results;
try (RepositoryConnection con = repo.getConnection()) {
	ValueFactory fac = con.getValueFactory();

	TupleQuery tq = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, qry);
	// add wildcard '*' to perform wildcard search
	tq.setBinding("term", fac.createLiteral("alic" + "*"));

	// copy the results and processs them after the connection is closed
	results = QueryResults.asList(tq.evaluate());

results.forEach(res -> {

This feature might no be available for your implementation, see SearchIndex implementations.

During the search, it might be important to boost the value of a single field while using multiple fields, to do that, you can use complex query:

PREFIX search: <>

?subj search:matches [
              search:query "search terms over my:property1...";
              search:property my:property1;
              search:boost 0.8;
              search:snippet ?snippet1;
          ] ,
              search:query "search terms over my:property2...";
              search:property my:property2;
              search:boost 0.2;
              search:snippet ?snippet2;
          search:score ?score
] .

The ‘virtual’ properties in the search: namespace have the following meaning:

  • search:matches – links the resource to be found with the following query statements (required)
  • search:query – specifies the Lucene query object(s), you can put as much query object as you want (required)
    • search:query – specifies the Lucene query (required)
    • search:property – specifies the property to search. If omitted all properties are searched (optional)
    • search:boost – (float number) specifies the boost for the property to search. If omitted, no boost is applied (optional)
    • search:snippet – specifies a variable for a highlighted snippet (optional)
  • search:score – specifies a variable for the score (optional)

You can use complex queries with a literal query!

SearchIndex implementations

The LuceneSail can currently be used with three SearchIndex implementations:

SearchIndex implementationMaven moduleComplex query support ?
Apache Luceneorg.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.lucene.impl.LuceneIndexrdf4j-sail-luceneyes
Apache Solrorg.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.solr.SolrIndexrdf4j-sail-solrno

Each SearchIndex implementation can easily be extended if you need to add extra features or store/access data with a different schema.

The following example uses a local Solr instance running on the default port 8983. Make sure that both the Apache httpcore and commons-logging jars are in the classpath, and that the Solr core uses an appropriate schema (an example can be found in RDF4J’s embedded solr source code on GitHub).

import org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.solr.SolrIndex;
LuceneSail luceneSail = new LuceneSail();
luceneSail.setParameter(LuceneSail.INDEX_CLASS_KEY, SolrIndex.class.getName());
luceneSail.setParameter(SolrIndex.SERVER_KEY, "http://localhost:8983/solr/rdf4j");

If needed, the Solr Client can be accessed via:

SolrIndex index = (SolrIndex) luceneSail.getLuceneIndex();
SolrClient client = index.getClient();

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